What SMBS Do ?

Leading provider of medical billing services, Scottsdale Medical Billing works to boost effectiveness, efficiency, and return on investment. Our medical billing services allow you to concentrate more on patient care while lowering billing errors, saving money, increasing cash flow, and generating more revenue.

Will SMBS make my office paperless?

By providing state-of-the-art electronic documentation and imaging capabilities, Scottsdale Medical Billing does indeed reduce the use of paper. Using the Scottsdale Medical Billing user-friendly interface, all of your paper records can be scanned and processed electronically.

Does SMBS provide specific billing?

According to your particular needs, Scottsdale Medical Billing offers specialty-specific services. Any medical specialty can be managed by us thanks to our expertise. Pediatrics, psychiatry and mental health, ear, nose, and throat, family practise, emergency medicine, hospitalist, neurology, gastroenterology, radiology, lab, and internal medicine are among the specialties we have served.

Are there any hidden fees/charges?

No, all of our fees are upfront with you. There are no setup fees or additional costs with us. Only a small portion of your collection is subject to our fee. Our premium MediFusion EHR is available for free and has all the features you require to manage your practise. Implementation, training, and particular functionality might incur extra costs. 

Is my data secure?

Yes, we abide by HIPAA regulations and guarantee the security of your data because we use cutting-edge encryption technologies.

Do you integrate with lab companies?

Several lab companies, including Labcorp, Quest Diagnostic, and other third-party labs, are fully integrated with us.

What Medical Billing Services does SMBS provide?

Insurance Verification CPT and ICD-10 coding Charge Entry Claims Scrubbing Claims Submission Payment Posting Denial Management AR followup Credentialing and Enrollment

What is the advantage of filing claims electronically?

When compared to paper claims, which can take up to 90 days to be reimbursed by insurance companies, filing claims electronically can speed up the process and save time. Time can be further reduced if you use our services because we use efficient processes for submitting claims and getting paid.

Do you follow up on unpaid claims?

Yes, we investigate unpaid claims and provide any necessary additional details. If the claim is still unpaid, we then pursue an appeal.

Can I check my financial online?

Yes, we offer a safe login that enables you to access your financial information online whenever you want, day or night, seven days a week.

How quickly do you file claims?

As soon as our billing team has reviewed your claims, which typically takes 24 to 48 business hours, we file them. Since sending claims electronically is the quickest and most effective way to get paid, our team does so. While reducing human or administrative errors in the medical billing process, electronic submission of claims saves time, energy, and resources.